Dr. Royce Mitchell (President)

Dr. Royce Mitchell, and his wife, Susan, are founding members of the Houston Church of God. They have been remembering the Sabbath Day to keep it holy since 1982. Royce holds a doctorate in the study of law. Royce and Susan together established an industrial electronics service company in 1992 which company continues in operation until this day.
Royce is a past editor of this magazine as well as the current editor, and prior to that wrote a number of articles for the magazine, as well as other churches of God publications. Royce speaks regularly at the Houston Church of God congregation and in other congregations around the country, when asked. Royce is a past Board of Directors member, also. Royce and his wife, Susan, celebrate 40 years of marriage in 2016, have 5 children, 21 grandchildren and one great grandchild. Royce can be contacted at 

“As we head into another four years at the Bible Sabbath Association, I find myself thrilled and excited at the prospect of improving on the great strides forward that were made by the previous Board of Directors.

It is my goal to continue and even strengthen the BSA mission to preach God’s Sabbaths as a divine blessing on all of mankind who step forward to embrace them. One of the major goals of the last board was to get the BSA finances under control with an eye toward being able to expand this ministry beyond the United States and Canada. While we did accomplish the former goal, we are still needing to improve BSA’s financial resources in order to be able to expand the BSA mission beyond North America.

To reach those goals, the BSA will need to rely most of all on the blessings of our Father. We hope for the sincere, effective prayers of our member saints and of anyone interested in promoting what we feel is the Godly goal of bringing fellowship among the saints wherever they may be, as well as need for keeping God’s commandments and accepting Jesus as our Savior.

I’ll also be continuing as the magazine’s editor and would love to have contributions from even more of you!”