What is the Sabbath?

The Sabbath is the weekly day of rest from Friday sunset through Saturday sunset. Common questions people ask about the Sabbath:

Where and when did the Sabbath start? The Sabbath started at the very beginning of creation in Genesis 2:1-3.

Who started the Sabbath? God started the Sabbath in Genesis 2:1-3. In fact, the Sabbath is called the Sabbath of the “Lord your God” (Ex. 20:10, Deut. 5:14).

How do we know which day is the Sabbath? God first revealed the Sabbath in the beginning. The seven-day weekly cycle continued to be known long after creation by people such as Noah (Gen. 8:8-12). God revealed the Sabbath to the Israelite nation in Exodus chapter 16. From that time until now, the Jewish people have kept the seventh-day Sabbath from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset. Roman historians Cassius Dio and Frontinus confirmed this fact. Lastly, languages around the world bear witness to the day of the seventh-day Sabbath (click here to read more about this).

Why sunset to sunset? In the beginning, God said that ‘evening and morning were the first day’ (Gen. 1:5). Based upon this and many other Bible verses, we learn that God established days to start/end at a beautiful sunset.

How do we keep the Sabbath? The Bible gives us some simple instructions to guide us. We rest from our work and labors . We keep the day holy. We gather with other believers.

To learn more about the Sabbath and Sabbath history, visit , download our free booklet “The Beginner’s Guide to the Sabbath” (click here).

To learn more about Sabbath history, download our free booklet “A Brief History of the Sabbath in Early Christianity” (Click here).

Also visit our Free Resources page for more assistance (click here).