Craig White

Craig began to observe the seventh-day Sabbath in 1973 and five years later as a baptized member of the Worldwide Church of God. His heart is to help other Sabbatarians work together on their common beliefs and goals. Over the years he has worked with Church of God, SDA, SDB, and Messianic groups. Craig has done extensive research into Sabbatarian history and written many articles on this subject. He has done a thorough job of helping to preserve Church of God history through the scanning of thousands of documents. His collaborative experience and extensive network of contacts will help him be a tremendous asset in promoting BSA/TSS content. He brings committee experience and policy development skills to the Board where it is much needed.

“It is an honour to have been elected to the BSA Board and I hope to demonstrate both my gratitude and worth over the coming months and years. God’s will be done.
In reading the BSA’s Objective, I found it most admirable: “The purpose of this Association shall be to increase the knowledge and observance of the seventh day of the week (Saturday) as the Sabbath of the Bible–a sacred and inherent element of the Christian faith. Specifically, the BSA will devote itself to (1) teaching the origin, history, purpose and value of the seventh-day Sabbath; (2) bringing together believers in Jesus Christ and the Bible Sabbath in a non-sectarian, interdenominational manner for the purposes of fostering observance of God’s Sabbath, as well as fellowship and good-will among them; (3) disseminating knowledge of the seventh-day Sabbath to those who accept Jesus (Yahshua) but who don’t know the Sabbath; and (4) devising strategies to accomplish these ends through regional groups, foreign branches, and other projects and means as shall seem expedient. The BSA shall not constitute a church or a denomination.”
The BSA has held the line for these overarching values for many decades.
But with changes in any governing body comes a responsibility to examine existing structures and processes. To ask the hard questions such as: “What do we need to do to advance to the next stage?” Or “What changes should be implemented to modernise our approach?”
I believe that one of my roles is to zealously promote change where needed so that we keep pace with a world with its evolving structures and operate in an effective manner.
Strategic planning, implementation of policies, reporting, utilising technologies and modernisation wherever needed is something to be desired and pursued.
If I can be a part of assisting BSA to advance to the next stage, that would be personally fulfilling, but more importantly, positively assist with promoting BSA into the community at large.
God willing (ICor 4:19), we can power ahead as never before”