Eva June Narber

Eva June Narber started observing the sabbath alone in her early teens and graduated from Ambassador College in 1987 (AA) and 1993 (BA). She has  served on the BSA board for 20years, serving in various functions including secretary, President interim, associate editor, the scholarship fund chair, and currently as the moderator for the BSA Facebook forum and
served as Vice-President of the Board of Directors from 2016-2019. June
holds a Master’s Degree in International Development from North Carolina State University; three years on the doctoral level; and is an
independent researcher/scholar/writer in symbolism and anthropology.

She operates a full time tutoring and editing business called Everything
English Academy and a new job interviewing  coaching business Charlie McGillicuddy LLC. (www.charliemc.com). She launched lost Sheep
Ministries International which is a service organization focusing on
personal development, career, spiritual growth, women’s issues, and intl. related needs on a community based level in 2011. (www.hercurian.com www.junenarber.com). She also has taught Civics and ESL for 14 years at DTCC.